Jesolo , dove spegnere i pensieri
                        e accendere i desideri !!


We offer apartments (one-room, two-room, three-room apartments) for large families and mini-apartments for small families, in the zone of Jesolo Lido from the FRONTEMARE up to 250 meters from the sea. They are located near commercial activities such as grocery stores, pizzerias, restaurants, pharmacies, ice cream parlors, bus stops and the pedestrian area. On our website you will find photos of all our apartments with their respective interiors and offers of all kinds for short stays (1 or more weeks) long (1 month or more) and seasonal (from 1 May to 30/09). 
For any information, we are at your disposal with the following times:

- 04.02 / 30.04: From Tuesday to Sanday from 9.00am to 12.30am and from 3.00pm to 6.30pm.

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Our apartments

Piazza Torino.4 - Lido di Jesolo
tel. +39.0421.961.961
p.i.: 04545860274 - c.f. RTEMRC73T12G224Q

- E-mail Affitti per l'Estate:
- E-mail Amministrazione di Condomini:

Meteo Jesolo

Giorno / ora :
19-02-2025 05:00

nubi sparse e schiarite

Temperatura: -1° C
19-02-2025 11:007° C